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Weekly Focus
Week of 5/30/23 & 6/05/23



Novel Study:  The Lemonade War


Comprehension:  describe characters in a story and explain how their actions add to the events of the story; explain character development and character relationships; describe how each part of a story builds on earlier sections; identify elements of poetry; identify different types of poems


Vocabulary Strategy:  N/A


Writing: plan an expository essay using an IRC plan; write an introduction for an expository essay; write detailed paragraphs for an expository essay


*Additional resources/practice via Clever:  My Clever page; Ed Your Friend (view Modules); Assignments on Flocabulary, Brainpopjr, and Brainpop


ELA Waggle Assignments for  remediation/enrichment based on Growth Measure performance

  1. Student should log into Clever

  2. Select Ed: Your Friend In Learning 

  3. Scroll down to CONNECTED PROGRAMS and select WAGGLE

  4. Select Language Arts

  5. Complete the assignments under the heading NEXT MISSIONS



*Journeys texts are only used for Accelerated Reader purposes .

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